
Initial and Final Encodings


Functional programming is all about composition. I'd like to show you one way that simple function composition can be very powerful in combination with a really interesting principle about how we represent data in our programs.

One of the big ideas that functional programming (Lisp!) introduced back in the day is the idea that functions are just data like anything else, and that conversely, data can often be represented as functions. If you've done programming work in any flavor of Lisp, you've most likely run into ad-hoc applications of this principle (the metaprogramming system relies on it, but that looks a bit different).

It turns out that within programming language and type theory, this principle can be made more formal and universal. Happily, knowing when to look at either side of the data/function coin can have some concrete practical implications. Today I'd like to explain what I've understood about this principle and what it means in terms of practical programming. We'll look at some simple examples to illustrate the principle, and then I'm planning to spend the majority of the talk showing how this all looks when you apply it to embedded domain specific languages, mostly following the paper "Finally Tagless, Partially Evaluated" by Jacques Carette, Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan. (Some of you may have heard of this paper already.)

I'm going to present this stuff using Haskell, because I am most comfortable with it (and I suspect a lot of BFPGers can understand it well), but very little is Haskell-specific, and in fact the paper is mostly in OCaml.

One final caveat: what I'm going to present is from the Finally Tagless paper, plus additional material and understanding gained from coding it all up, reading stackoverflow/reddit posts and BSing with Matt B. and Dave. I have absolutely no formal background in this stuff, and I suspect there's a lot more theory behind it that explains it better. I wanted to give the talk because without any of that, I was able to use the technique to get some concrete, practical benefits when building a real application, and I wanted to spread the cool ideas in case it helps. You don't have to know a lot of deep theory to put this to work!

Please just shout out questions if I move on and something is still confusing; you're probably not the only one.

The Basic Idea

Consider the humble linked list.

data List a = Nil
            | Cons a (List a)

What can you do with a list? The basic functionality is that you can do something

starting at the head
in order

This could be a reverse, a fold or whatever.

The Basic Idea

TODO(MP): DLists instead?

TODO(MP): Show step-by-step evaluation to explain this

What if we turned the list inside-out?

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}  -- so we can use 'forall'

newtype Church a = Church {
  runChurch :: forall r. (a -> r -> r)    -> r   -> r
               --          cons           nil    result

This is called a Church encoding, and it represents a List as a higher-order function. This function takes two arguments, one which it can call in the case of a Cons and the other of which it can use in the case of a Nil. To make this clearer, let's see how to go back and forth:

convert :: [a] -> Church a
convert lst = Church $ \c n -> foldr c n lst

Converting from an ordinary linked list to a Church-encoded list means generating a function that, when run with the arguments c and n, will let the caller perform the same operations. It's easiest for me to puzzle it out by looking at the types.

foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a ->
c :: a -> r -> r  -- the folding function
n :: r            -- the terminating value

The list is expressed as a fold across the real list, and at each step, it applies the given c to both the value from lst and n. To do operations on this list, you must provide a function that will run on the piece of data in the cons cell (the first a in Cons a (List a)) and the remainder of the list, and a value to be passed in if the list ends (with a Nil). The list has been rearranged from a plain old data structure to a higher-order function that captures the same computation structure. Here is how to go in the other direction:

excommunicate :: Church a -> [a] excommunicate ch = runChurch ch (:) []

I think this is pretty straightforward if you've understood the function to go in the first direction. ch is the higher-order function that will walk our arguments through the structure of the list. The argument (:) says what we want to do every time we are in a Cons situation. The argument [] says what we want to do if we hit a Nil. The Basic Idea

Let's look at one more function, append (++ with ordinary lists):

appendChurch :: Church a -> Church a -> Church a appendChurch xs ys = Church $ \c n -> runChurch xs c $ runChurch ys c n

What we're doing here is saying "OK, when you run the first list, when you get to the end of the list and encounter Nil, just carry on into the result of running the second list." In other words, we can put the two lists together end-to-end by using higher-order functions. You can see that this is just composition if I make the code a bit more pointless:

appendChurch' :: Church a -> Church a -> Church a appendChurch' (Church fx) (Church fy) = Church $ \c -> fx c . fy c

The Basic Idea

But why on earth would you want to deal with this convoluted representation? Consider the asymptotics:

(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] [] ++ bs = bs (a:as) ++ bs = a : (as ++ bs)

-- call : once per element of the first list, every time you call ++!

appendChurch' :: Church a -> Church a -> Church a appendChurch' (Church fx) (Church fy) = Church $ \c -> fx c . fy c

-- run one function composition per call to appendChurch'!

Scanning through as step-by-step and rebuilding it with bs at the end takes time proportional to the length of as (though it doesn't matter how long bs is). This is fine if you're appending once, but if you're cruising along and tacking things on to the end of the list repeatedly, this starts to get slow (it's quadratic in length as). One common situation where this might happen is if you are logging something (e.g. with Writer).

If we know that function composition is constant-time, then we can see how with the church-encoded list, the time required to append one list to another doesn't depend on either list's length, so you won't pay the extra cost as as gets longer and longer. If you've seen things like continuation-passing style transformations, codensity transformation for free monads or "Free Monads for Less", this is a similar idea. I'm not going to say anything else about those, but we can talk afterwards.

Church encodings can also solve other practical problems. Witness the following IRC interaction from 4 November on #bfpg:

04:38:09 bkolera | It wouldn't be a big deal if | we didn't encode sum types as | sub types in scala, but ... | >_> 04:42:56 georgew | You could just Church encode?

The motto rears its head again: "it's all about composition!" Using composition and representing our data as code lets us get an asymptotic speedup on a very common usage pattern. Embedded Domain-Specific Languages

Now that we've seen a simple example of what representing our data as functions might mean and how it might help us, let's think about a more general case. One common approach to problem solving in functional programming is to define a small domain-specific language (DSL) in which to represent the problem or class of problems we're interested in attacking. Calling a DSL embedded means that rather than have a separate parser, typechecker, etc. for our new language, we're going to just write regular programs with whatever language we like, but ideally make it look like and work like a language on its own. EDSL programs are just regular programs. We can then provide a way to run programs written in this so-called "object language" in our "meta language" (e.g. Haskell or OCaml, or some very general purpose language with a great type system and compiler to do the heavy lifting). This approach can help decouple the problem domain from the engineering required to make it happen cleanly and efficiently on the computer. Let's look at some common considerations when implementing a domain-specific language. The Multiple Interpretations Problem

A common design goal when implementing a DSL is that you'd like to be able to interpret the same program in different ways. The obvious way is:

Run the program and get its result

But there are other ways, for example:

Pretty-print or serialize the program

Perform optimizations before executing the program

Run additional checks or pre-run tests (particularly if the language allows side effects outside the type system).

Generate code, e.g. spit out C or Javascript so our program can be run in restricted environments.

Execute using alternative evaluation strategies, e.g. using the LLVM JIT compilation tools to speed up execution or running the program on a GPU.

The Expression Problem

The Expression Problem is a new name for an old problem. The goal is to define a datatype by cases, where one can add new cases to the datatype and new functions over the datatype, without recompiling existing code, and while retaining static type safety (e.g., no casts).

-- Philip Wadler, Nov. 1998

In other words, we'd like to be able to extend a DSL without having to modify its core. This can allow users to extend the language themselves or to provide new features without breaking existing systems. The Static Safety Problem

A common design goal when implementing an embedded DSL is that we'd like to take advantage of our metalanguage's facilities where we can. In particular, if we're building a fairly simple language, it would be very convenient to be able to lean on the sophisticated type checker of the metalanguage at compile time. A downside is that the error messages may be clearer to the implementer than the user, but the upside is that we can catch errors in the DSL at compile time with a lot less work than if we implemented our own type checker. The same kinds of advantages can apply for debugging tools, code generation, etc. Solving All The Problems At Once

I'm now going to introduce the technique from "Finally Tagless," which solves these problems quite nicely. Later, we'll also discuss some other advantages and disadvantages to the different representations. We're going to start with some code that exhibits some of the problems and work our way towards the solution. To begin, let's look at our data in the ordinary way. A Simple (But Powerful) DSL

To illustrate how representing data differently can be applied to building DSLs, let's take the simply-typed lambda calculus, with integers as the base type, as a running example. The STLC is a good example because it has first-class functions, so we'll make sure our results apply to higher-order languages.

Unfortunately I must use de Bruijn indices, as I haven't figured out how to use higher-order abstract syntax with plain ADTs. The later examples will involve less binding-related machinery.

-- Simply-typed lambda calculus terms data STLCTerm = SVar Var | SNum Int | SApp STLCTerm STLCTerm | SLam STLCTerm deriving Show

-- Representation of evaluation environments data Var = VZero | VSucc Var deriving Show

-- We need a way to look up variables in our environment. lkup :: Var -> [x] -> x lkup VZero [x] = x lkup (VSucc v) (:moar) = lkup v moar lkup _ = error "sorry, dawg; I can't interpret an open term!"

evalSTLC env (SVar v) = lkup v env evalSTLC env (SNum i) = i evalSTLC env (SApp f x) = (evalSTLC env f) (evalSTLC env x) evalSTLC env (SLam b) = \x -> evalSTLC (x : env) b

testSTLC = SApp (SLam (SVar VZero)) (SNum 22)

A Simple (But Powerful) DSL

What a puzzling error!

[1 of 1] Compiling FinallyTagless ( FinallyTagless.hs, interpreted )

FinallyTagless.hs:122:27: Couldn't match expected type ‘Int -> Int’ with actual type ‘Int’ The function ‘evalSTLC’ is applied to three arguments, but its type ‘[Int] -> STLCTerm -> Int’ has only two In the expression: (evalSTLC env f) (evalSTLC env x) In an equation for ‘evalSTLC’: evalSTLC env (SApp f x) = (evalSTLC env f) (evalSTLC env x)

FinallyTagless.hs:123:25: Couldn't match expected type ‘Int -> Int’ with actual type ‘Int’ The lambda expression ‘\ x -> evalSTLC (x : env) b’ has one argument, but its type ‘Int’ has none In the expression: \ x -> evalSTLC (x : env) b In an equation for ‘evalSTLC’: evalSTLC env (SLam b) = \ x -> evalSTLC (x : env) b Failed, modules loaded: none.

-- What type do we give this? What's the return type? evalSTLC env (SVar v) = lkup v env evalSTLC env (SNum i) = i evalSTLC env (SApp f x) = (evalSTLC env f) (evalSTLC env x) evalSTLC env (SLam b) = \x -> evalSTLC (x : env) b

This can't work; the resulting expression might be either an SLam or an SNum. We can't put both into our environment or return both! So we have to introduce a "tag" to wrap the possible values and indicate which we're dealing with. A Less Simple (But Still Powerful) DSL

data Tag = IntTag Int | LambdaTag (Tag -> Tag)

evalSTLC :: [Tag] -> STLCTerm -> Tag evalSTLC env (SVar v) = lkup v env evalSTLC _ (SNum i) = IntTag i evalSTLC env (SApp f x) = go (evalSTLC env f) where evx = evalSTLC env x go (LambdaTag f') = f' evx go z = error $ "Can't apply the non-function '" ++ show z ++ "' to argument '" ++ show evx ++ "'!" evalSTLC env (SLam b) = LambdaTag $ \x -> evalSTLC (x : env) b

instance Show Tag where show (IntTag i) = "<" ++ show i ++ " :: Int>" show (LambdaTag _) = ""

-- our test program: (λx.x) 22 testSTLC = SApp (SLam (SVar VZero)) (SNum 22)

This code typechecks and runs.

testSTLC SApp (SLam (SVar VZero)) (SNum 22) evalSTLC [] testSTLC <22 :: Int>

A Less Simple (But Still Powerful) DSL

Sadly, we have to introduce this tag to get things to typecheck. The interpreter is less clear and less direct. In addition

We have some runtime overhead due to pattern-matching on the tag

The interpreter is partial!

failSTLC = SApp (SNum 22) (SNum 33)

evalSTLC [] failSTLC *** Exception: Can't apply the non-function '<22 :: Int>' to argument '<33 :: Int>'!

This term is nonsensical, but it compiled just fine. A Less Simple (But Still Powerful) DSL

This interpreter solves the Multiple Interpretations Problem. We can take an STLCTerm and pass it around, manipulate it, optimize it, pretty-print it, etc.

This interpreter does not solve the Expression Problem. To extend the language, we have to open up this file, change the definition of STLCTerm and rewrite a bunch of code to match. Our compiler should help highlight what we need to update, but it's still not satisfactory.

This interpreter does not solve the Static Safety Problem. The language is extremely simple, but our implementation doesn't let us lean on Haskell's type checker. We have to write our own. A Tagless Encoding

Let's tackle the Static Safety Problem by using Generalised Algebraic Data Types (GADTs).

data Term t where -- This quantified type could be a particular type like Int, but -- I'm using anything I can show just to make interactive -- debugging easier Const :: Show a => a -> Term a Var :: a -> Term a App :: Term (b -> a) -> Term b -> Term a Lam :: (Term b -> Term a) -> Term (b -> a)

eval :: Term t -> t eval (Var x) = x eval (Const x) = x eval (App f x) = eval f (eval x) eval (Lam f) = eval . f . Var

Well, that was easy. Let's try some test programs.

first = Lam $ \x -> Lam $ \y -> x

twice = Lam $ \f -> Lam $ \x -> Lam $ \y -> f App (f App x App y) App y

pairs = twice App first App (Const 33) App (Const 22)

eval pairs 33

:t pairs pairs :: (Num a, Show a) => Term a

I'm not sure it was worth computing, but it worked fine. A Tagless Encoding

failure = twice App (Const 33) App (Const 22) App first

FinallyTagless.hs:210:1: Could not deduce (Num (a -> (a0 -> b0 -> a0) -> a)) from the context (Num a, Num (a -> (a1 -> b -> a1) -> a), Show a, Show (a -> (a1 -> b -> a1) -> a)) bound by the inferred type for ‘failure’: (Num a, Num (a -> (a1 -> b -> a1) -> a), Show a, Show (a -> (a1 -> b -> a1) -> a)) => Term a at FinallyTagless.hs:210:1-61 The type variables ‘b0’, ‘a0’ are ambiguous When checking that ‘failure’ has the inferred type failure :: forall a b a1. (Num a, Num (a -> (a1 -> b -> a1) -> a), Show a, Show (a -> (a1 -> b -> a1) -> a)) => Term a Probable cause: the inferred type is ambiguous

It looks like we've licked the static safety problem!

This interpreter also solves the Multiple Interpretations Problem (just write any function that pattern-matches on the constructors of Term). A Tagless Encoding

Unfortunately, this GADT-based interpreter is the same as the previous interpreter with respect to the Expression Problem.

-- Users want Turing-completeness. Management has demanded we add a -- fixpoint combinator without breaking any existing code!

data TermY t where ConstY :: Show a => a -> TermY a VarY :: a -> TermY a AppY :: TermY (b -> a) -> TermY b -> TermY a LamY :: (TermY b -> TermY a) -> TermY (b -> a) Y :: TermY (a -> a) -> TermY a

evalY :: TermY t -> t evalY (VarY x) = x evalY (ConstY x) = x evalY (AppY f x) = evalY f (evalY x) evalY (LamY f) = evalY . f . VarY evalY (Y f) = y' $ evalY f where y' g = g $ y' g

twiceY = LamY $ \f -> LamY $ \x -> LamY $ \y -> f AppY (f AppY x AppY y) AppY y

Ugh, we've got to rewrite everything! Management is disappointed.

At this point, I hope it's clear that to solve the Expression Problem, we can't simply use ordinary data types with constructors directly. We'll never be able to extend them in a separate module. Let's try a different approach, motivated by our earlier look at Church encoding. A Final Encoding

newtype Eval a = Eval { eval :: a }

var :: Show a => a -> Eval a var = Eval

app :: Eval (b -> a) -> Eval b -> Eval a app (Eval f) (Eval x) = Eval $ f x

lam :: (Eval a -> Eval b) -> Eval (a -> b) lam b = Eval $ \x -> eval (b (Eval x))

We can do a similar trick to the Church encoding of lists and represent our data constructors as functions. This is not a Church encoding; it's called a final encoding for reasons unknown to me. The version using explicit constructors is called an initial encoding.

-- first = Lam $ \x -> Lam $ \y -> x first = lam $ \x -> lam $ \y -> x

-- twice = Lam $ \f -> Lam $ \x -> Lam $ \y -> f App (f App x App y) App y twice = lam $ \f -> lam $ \x -> lam $ \y -> f app (f app x app y) app y

-- pairs = twice App first App (Const 33) App (Const 22) pairs = twice app first app var 33 app var 22

:t pairs pairs :: (Num a, Show a) => Eval a

eval pairs 33

The new encoding works, and it's quite similar to the original! Let's see how we do on the various problems. A Final Encoding

failure = twice app (var 33) app (var 22) app first

FinallyTagless.hs:72:5: Non type-variable argument in the constraint: Num (a -> (b -> a -> b) -> a) (Use FlexibleContexts to permit this) When checking that ‘failure’ has the inferred type failure :: forall a a1 b. (Num a, Num (a -> (b -> a1 -> b) -> a), Show a, Show (a -> (b -> a1 -> b) -> a)) => Eval a

Lovely! This final encoding solves the Static Safety Problem. A Final Encoding

Now we can extend our object language in a different module, without touching the original.

import Final.hs (Eval(..), lam, app, var)

y :: Eval (a -> a) -> Eval a y (Eval f) = Eval (y' f) where y' g = g $ y' g

twentytwo = y $ lam $ \x -> const (var 22) x

Let's try it out:

eval $ twentytwo 22

Hooray! This interpreter solves the Expression Problem! Management is satisfied! But . . . A Final Encoding

How do we solve the Multiple Interpretations Problem? There's nothing we can change about the way we interpret our code. Optimization is right out! This leaves our users unhappy again.

We solved the Expression Problem by representing our data as functions, but now we want our functions to have different meanings. Can you think of a way to give functions different meanings, depending on some context? Depending on the type? The Finally Tagless Solution

The answer, in Haskell, is to use type classes. (In OCaml, you can do the same thing with a module.) This type class defines the lambda calculus language:

class FinalTerm repr where var :: Show a => a -> repr a app :: repr (b -> a) -> repr b -> repr a lam :: (repr a -> repr b) -> repr (a -> b)

Now we can make an instance for evaluation.

newtype Eval a = Eval { eval :: a }

instance FinalTerm Eval where var x = Eval x app (Eval f) (Eval x) = Eval $ f x lam b = Eval $ \x -> eval' (b (Eval x))

Our test programs are unchanged.

first = lam $ \x -> lam $ \y -> x

twice = lam $ \f -> lam $ \x -> lam $ \y -> f app (f app x app y) app y

pairs = twice app first app var 33 app var 22

:t pairs pairs :: (Num a, Show a, FinalTerm repr) => repr a

eval pairs 33

The Finally Tagless Solution

We can also make a second interpreter: a pretty-printer!

-- This is just machinery for generating variable names varnames :: [String] varnames = "xyzwabcdefghmnpqrstu"

parens [] = "()" parens str | head str == '(' && last str == ')' = str | otherwise = "(" ++ str ++ ")"

-- Here is the new type we use to choose the instance we want. newtype Pretty a = Pretty { unPretty :: [String] -> String }

instance FinalTerm Pretty where var = Pretty . const . show lam f = Pretty $ (v:vs) -> parens $ "lambda " ++ v ++ ". " ++ unPretty (f (Pretty $ const v)) vs app (Pretty f) (Pretty x) = Pretty $ \c -> parens $ f c ++ " " ++ x c

pretty :: Pretty a -> String pretty expr = unPretty expr varnames

Let's run the test program through it:

pretty' pairs "(((lambda x. (lambda y. (lambda z. ((x ((x y) z)) z)))) (lambda x. (lambda y. x)) 33) 22)"

The Finally Tagless Solution

We've already shown that we can solve the Multiple Interpretations Problem, and the Static Safety Problem is solved just as with functions. Now let's see how this approach addresses the Expression Problem.

import FinallyTagless.hs (FinalTerm(..), Eval(..), Pretty(..), pretty)

class FinalTermY repr where y :: repr (a -> a) -> repr a

instance FinalTermY Eval where y (Eval f) = Eval $ y' f where y' g = g $ y' g

instance FinalTermY Pretty where y (Pretty f) = Pretty $ \names@(v:_) -> parens $ "fixpoint of " ++ f names ++ " with respect to '" ++ v ++ "'"

This is not an insubstantial addition.

twentytwo = y $ lam $ \x -> const (var 22) x

eval twentytwo 22

pretty twentytwo "(fixpoint of (lambda x. 22) with respect to 'x')"

You may have noticed that in these cases, type inference also works perfectly fine, and we haven't used anything outside Haskell 98. Equivalence Of Final and Initial Encodings

We can convert back and forth between encodings to show that they are equivalent. There is a catch, though; if we used our old initial encoding (the Term GADT), we'd have to commit to a particular final interpretation, e.g. Eval or Pretty. Instead, I've defined this new initial encoding containing the HCell constructor. This constructor lets us work with terms that have already been "finally encoded" in our initial representation. It doesn't show up in any programs, but it's necessary to write evalH.

data HTerm h t where HVar :: Show t => t -> HTerm h t HCell :: h t -> HTerm h t HApp :: HTerm h (a -> b) -> HTerm h a -> HTerm h b HLam :: (HTerm h a -> HTerm h b) -> HTerm h (a -> b)

-- An interpreter for Eval evalH :: HTerm Eval t -> t evalH (HVar x) = x evalH (HApp f x) = evalH f (evalH x) evalH (HCell x) = eval' x evalH (HLam b) = evalH . b . HCell . Eval

-- Now we can convert from final to initial: instance FinalTerm (HTerm h) where var = HVar app = HApp lam = HLam

-- and from initial to final: convert :: (FinalTerm repr) => HTerm repr t -> repr t convert (HVar x) = var x convert (HCell x) = x convert (HApp f x) = app (convert f) (convert x) convert (HLam b) = lam $ convert . b . HCell

Notice that when you convert to or from a particular initial encoding, your language becomes 'closed' again. The initial encoding for the language and the conversion code above would have to be modified if we wanted to convert terms using the Y combinator. Drawbacks

The Finally Tagless approach to EDSL implementation solves the Static Safety Problem, the Multiple Interpreters Problem and the Expression Problem all at once. Management is happy; users are happy; we're happy. Is it the end of the talk?

There are some disadvantages . . .

runAndPrettyPrint prog = (eval' prog, pretty' prog)

FinallyTagless.hs:402:42: Couldn't match expected type ‘Pretty a0’ with actual type ‘Eval t’ Relevant bindings include t :: Eval t (bound at FinallyTagless.hs:402:20) runAndPrettyPrint' :: Eval t -> (t, String) (bound at FinallyTagless.hs:402:1) In the first argument of ‘pretty'’, namely ‘t’ In the expression: pretty' t

What is this about?! Couldn't match Pretty a0 with Eval t?

This problem occurs with any function that produces or accepts a finally-encoded program; Oleg describes this by saying that "polymorphism in Haskell is not first-class" -- when we pattern-match on the program, we constrain it to a single type. Alas!

We can use this Program wrapper if we want to output a program in our object language. This achieves the goal of allowing multiple interpretations, but at a price: the representation is now closed, since we had to explicitly list what parts of the language we want to quantify over. In this example, we have excluded the fixpoint combinator from the language!

In addition, wrapping up object language programs with a forall also causes issues for the isomorphism function above (I think); I can't work out how to write a function that takes an HTerm repr t and converts it to a Program t. We need the repr argument to HTerm to be quantified the same way as the one hidden inside the Program. Drawbacks

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

newtype Program a = Program { getProgram :: forall repr. FinalTerm repr => repr a }

convert' :: HTerm (forall repr. FinalTerm repr => repr :: * -> *) t -> (forall repr. FinalTerm repr => repr t) convert' (HVar x) = var x convert' (HCell x) = x convert' (HApp f x) = app (convert' f) (convert' x) convert' (HLam b) = lam $ convert' . b . HCell

If we used the ImpredicativeTypes extension, which lets us write things like this, we could solve the problem. Sadly, GHC would no longer be able to infer types for such values. That's a heavy price to pay! Drawbacks

Remember, the only thing we can do with a finally-encoded term is to interpret it. So if we want to use it for multiple things, can we make an interpreter that provides multiple instances of the program? This is indeed Oleg's solution to the problem.

newtype Pair repr repr' t = Pair { unPair :: (repr t, repr' t) }

instance (FinalTerm repr, FinalTerm repr') => FinalTerm (Pair repr repr') where var x = Pair (var x, var x) app f x = let (f', f'') = unPair f (x', x'') = unPair x in Pair (app f' x', app f'' x'') lam b = Pair (lam $ \x -> fst . unPair . b $ Pair (x, undefined), lam $ \z -> snd . unPair . b $ Pair (undefined, z))

Equipped with this somewhat clunky tool, we can now build runAndPrettyPrint.

runAndPrettyPrint prog = (eval' $ l prog, pretty' $ r prog) where l = fst . unPair r = snd . unPair

We're still in Haskell 98 land, and type inference still works properly! Other Drawbacks

The "Finally Tagless" paper shows how to apply the approach to various other useful tasks, like deserialization of the program (which includes type-checking), performing optimizations by transforming the AST, type-directed partial evaluation, and more. Those things are possible (and TDPE is pretty neat), but frankly, it would be a slog to just show how most of them work (I have backup slides if you're interested). For the sake of time and not just blasting more code on the screen, I'm going to summarize the tradeoffs as I understand them here. Initial Advantages

Here are some advantages of the ADT method, also known as the "initial" encoding of the language:

We can pattern-match on the ADT, which makes transforming the representation of the embedded program straightforward to understand (e.g. if we want to do some optimizations). It's also amenable to existing generic programming tools like 'uniplate' or 'syb'.

Defining a "tagless" ADT usually requires additional type system features, e.g. GADTs, but once the ADT is defined and we accept that we need an enhanced type system, object language programs are automatically first-class without any additional machinery. (We don't need the weird "duplicating interpreter".)

If you want to make your initially-encoded language no longer embedded directly in the meta language (e.g. moving to a dependently-typed language, with a separate type checker), the extension is fairly natural. I haven't seen or come up with any clean ways of doing this for finally-encoded ones.

Final Advantages

Here are some advantages of the typeclass method, also known as the "final" encoding of the language:

Our language is extensible and open; we can add new features to its abstract syntax while reusing, without modifying (or even recompiling!) the code for the core language. GHC can infer the object program types at the use site. It's possible to solve the Expression Problem.

With some usage patterns, especially the typical "monadic substitution" pattern that happens when language fragments are composed together, a final encoding (with or without type classes) can actually yield an asymptotic speedup in creating the program.

It is possible to solve the Static Safety Problem in Haskell 98.

Other Notes

I've tried to attack the same three EDSL design problems using some of the "coproducts for free" machinery that Dave has written about. Unfortunately, I'm currently stumped trying to apply it to higher-order languages, and it seems to require an awful lot of machinery. Maybe Dave can do a follow-up talk explaining how this can be done nicely!

It's worth pointing out that Oleg and others have constructed DSLs with linear typing using this approach. This is noteworthy because linear types are not a strict subset of Haskell's or OCaml's type system.

I've used HOAS for all the examples, but the final approach using type classes can be done perfectly fine with de Bruijn indices as well. You can convert from de Bruijn to HOAS pretty straightforwardly. I think the other direction is a lot harder, if it's possible.


If you haven't seen this material before, I hope this talk has introduced a different perspective on programs and domain-specific languages. Backups De Bruijn Indices, Finally Encoded

class FinalDBTerm repr where dbvar :: Show a => a -> repr env a dbapp :: repr env (a -> b) -> repr env a -> repr env b -- The type of 'dblam' is pretty different from the type of the HOAS -- method 'lam'. If you think about how 'EvalEnv' is defined, it -- makes sense -- the interpreter is going to have to wrap a -- function and get the argument from the environment. In the HOAS -- case, we simply make the function explicit in the type of the -- method. dblam :: repr (a, env) b -> repr env (a -> b)

-- This method states that the environment contains a value of the -- correct type to be applied: lambda 0 zero :: repr (a, env) a -- This method states that the environment is being extended with a -- value of type 'b'. succ :: repr env a -> repr (b, env) a

class FinalDBTermArith repr where dbadd :: Num a => repr env a -> repr env a -> repr env a dbmul :: Num a => repr env a -> repr env a -> repr env a dbneg :: Num a => repr env a -> repr env a

newtype EvalEnv env a = EvalEnv { evalEnv :: env -> a }

instance FinalDBTerm EvalEnv where dbvar x = EvalEnv (const x) dbapp (EvalEnv f) (EvalEnv x) = EvalEnv $ \env -> (f env) (x env) dblam (EvalEnv body) = EvalEnv $ \env x -> body (x, env)

zero = EvalEnv fst succ (EvalEnv v) = EvalEnv $ v . snd

instance FinalDBTermArith EvalEnv where dbadd (EvalEnv a) (EvalEnv b) = EvalEnv $ \env -> a env + b env dbmul (EvalEnv a) (EvalEnv b) = EvalEnv $ \env -> a env * b env dbneg (EvalEnv a) = EvalEnv $ \env -> negate $ a env

dbeval expr = evalEnv expr ()

dbtest' = dblam (dbadd (succ zero) (succ (succ zero)))

dbtest'' = ((dblam (dblam dbtest') dbapp dbvar 22) dbapp dbvar (33 :: Double)) dbapp undefined

dbtest = dblam (dbadd zero zero) dbapp dbvar (22 :: Double)

De Bruijn Indices, Initially Encoded

data DBVar env t where DBZ :: DBVar (t, env) t DBS :: DBVar env t -> DBVar (a, env) t

data DBTerm env t where DBConst :: t -> DBTerm env t DBVar :: DBVar env t -> DBTerm env t DBLam :: DBTerm (a, env) b -> DBTerm env (a -> b) DBApp :: DBTerm env (a -> b) -> DBTerm env a -> DBTerm env b

dbLookup :: DBVar env t -> env -> t dbLookup DBZ (x, ) = x dbLookup (DBS v) (, env) = dbLookup v env

dbEval :: env -> DBTerm env t -> t dbEval env (DBVar v) = dbLookup v env dbEval env (DBConst t) = t dbEval env (DBLam body) = \x -> dbEval (x, env) body dbEval env (DBApp f arg) = (dbEval env f) (dbEval env arg)

dbinitialtest = DBApp (DBLam (DBVar DBZ)) (DBConst 22)

De Bruijn Index to HOAS Conversion

For this final trick, I don't think there's a way to get away without either multi-parameter type classes with functional dependencies or type families. Our environment needs to have the same tuple structure, but all the types need to change from e.g. 'a' to 'repr a' (though the empty environment is still simply '()'). We don't have a general way to express this with Haskell 98. Type families (or MPTCs + fundeps) let us write type-level functions to explain to the type checker the appropriate relationships between the types in the environment.

Note that the conversion remains open! We could add new De Bruijn-based classes and new HOAS-based counterparts in a new module, along with the translation instances, and reuse this original 'toHOAS' function!

type family Env repr a where Env repr () = () Env repr (a, env) = (repr a, Env repr env)

newtype WrapHOAS repr env a = WrapHOAS { unwrapHOAS :: Env repr env -> repr a }

instance FinalTerm repr => FinalDBTerm (WrapHOAS repr) where dbvar x = WrapHOAS (const $ var x) dbapp (WrapHOAS f) (WrapHOAS x) = WrapHOAS $ \env -> app (f env) (x env) dblam (WrapHOAS body) = WrapHOAS $ \env -> lam $ \x -> body (x, env)

zero = WrapHOAS fst succ (WrapHOAS v) = WrapHOAS $ v . snd

instance FinalTermArith repr => FinalDBTermArith (WrapHOAS repr) where dbadd (WrapHOAS a) (WrapHOAS b) = WrapHOAS $ \env -> a env add b env dbmul (WrapHOAS a) (WrapHOAS b) = WrapHOAS $ \env -> a env mul b env dbneg (WrapHOAS a) = WrapHOAS $ \env -> neg $ a env

toHOAS :: WrapHOAS repr () a -> repr a toHOAS expr = unwrapHOAS expr ()

Church Encodings Scott Encodings

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} newtype SList a = SL { elim :: forall b. (a -> SList a -> b) -> b -> b }

snil :: forall a. SList a snil = SL $ \c n -> n

scons :: forall a. a -> SList a -> SList a scons x xs = SL $ \c n -> c x xs

smap :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> SList a -> SList b smap f lst = elim lst (\x xs -> f x scons smap f xs) snil

Codensity Transformation Optimization example? TDPE?



